Peter West – Remedial Massage & Myotherapy

Frequently asked questions

What should I expect on my first visit?

Firstly you will be asked to complete a detailed confidential client history form. You will then be asked some questions relating to your area of concern, which areas you would like treated, etc. An assessment may then be undertaken to ensure that not only the symptoms, but the root cause of the problem is identified and treated. This may take up to 15 minutes to complete.

New clients should preferably arrive 5 minutes prior to their appointment to allow time to complete their medical history form.

What do I wear during the massage? Will I need to undress?

For a full body massage, most get undressed down to their underwear but you should only undress to the level you are comfortable.

When it's time to commence the treatment, the therapist will provide you with a towel and leave the room while you undress to your level of comfort, lie on the table, and cover yourself with the towel. The therapist will then knock before re-entering the room once you are comfortably draped. At all times a drape will be used to cover all areas of the body that are not currently being treated. The genitals (women and men) and breasts (women) will not be uncovered at any stage. When the massage is over, the therapist will again leave the room to allow you privacy to dress.

However, there are many conditions that can be treated while you are fully clothed. A client may prefer to remove clothing that feels restrictive, however the therapist can work through several layers of clothing. This will be discussed with you during your pre-treatment assessment.

What if I am embarrassed about my body?

Massage therapists hear this all the time. "I would love a massage but first I need to lose a few kilos" or " I haven't shaved my legs today". Please don't let this stop you from enjoying the benefits of massage. Massage therapists are professionals and have seen and treated all sorts of different body types, regardless of age, weight, or any other variable that concerns you. The goal is to make you feel good about yourself.

Can I bring someone with me to the massage?

Of course. If you are feeling unsure about what to expect, you may wish to bring along a companion. Most people however, feel that this restricts their ability to truly relax and enjoy the benefits massage delivers.

NOTE: All minors (under the age of 18) must be accompanied by an adult for the full duration of the treatment.

Should I talk during a massage?

This one is totally up to you. Although some people like to talk throughout a massage session, most people prefer to close their eyes and relax. The therapist understands that this is the case and the massage is all about you, so please don't feel that there is any expectation that you make conversation during your treatment. 

That being said though, whether it be a relaxation or remedial massage, there are times when a therapist will need to ask, and have you answer questions relating to your treatment.

At any time during the massage, you should advise your therapist if you are uncomfortable with any aspect of your massage experience. Please advise us if you require changes such as:

Should I tell the therapist that I am unhappy with their pressure?

YES! Pain threshold is not dependent upon gender, size, or any other stereotype and it is not possible for a therapist to guess your level of comfort based purely on your appearance. Whether the pressure is too deep or too light, you should always feel comfortable that you will not insult the therapist by asking them to adjust their pressure or even use different techniques. 

How much pain should I expect from a remedial massage?

Unfortunately, sometimes during remedial work, deep pressure must be applied in order to reach muscles deep within the body. This can ultimately be an uncomfortable experience. In general, if you consider a scale of 1-10,
1 being no pain and 10 representing extreme pain, you should advise your therapist if you experience anything greater than an 8. 

How often should I get a massage?

In general terms, if you are after a massage to relax and release some of the stress and tension from everyday living, a session every 3-6 weeks may be beneficial, depending on how you feel. If you are seeking to address a specific soft tissue problem, then you will need to discuss this with your therapist as there are too many variables to consider. Most people receiving remedial work receive treatment more frequently at the start and taper this down to maintenance once treatment has been effective.

When shouldn't I get a massage?

The therapist will not be able to provide services if you are suffering from fever of any kind, cold or flu, contagious skin conditions, infectious disease or are in the 1st trimester of a pregnancy.

There are other conditions during which you should first check with your primary health care provider and then advise when making an appointment. Situations such as: cancer, heart conditions, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

What if I can't make my appointment?

We understand that there are situations when you will not be able to keep your appointment. At this time, we do not charge any cancellation fees. To keep this policy in place, we only ask that you contact us, giving as much notice as possible to allow someone else to receive the treatment they require.

How should I feel after my massage?

Everyone experiencing a massage whether it be relaxation or remedial, should leave feeling better than when they came in, however, especially with remedial work, it is not uncommon for the effects of massage to take 24-48 hours to become evident. The massage itself may sometimes cause the injured tissue to become inflamed during the initial stages after treatment, causing additional discomfort while the tissue heals. It is important to stay hydrated after a massage by drinking lots of water. This will improve the "washed out" feeling and assist your soft tissue to heal.

What should I do after a massage?

Follow the instructions given to you by your therapist. After a remedial massage, the therapist will regularly ask clients to apply some heat and drink plenty of water. You may even be given some stretches to do in order to keep the treated muscles relaxed. It is important though, to listen to the instructions given to you at the conclusion of your treatment.

Can I pay by credit or debit card?

Yes you can! Payment can be made by debit or credit card, cash or direct bank transfer and your account is expected to be settled at the completion of your massage.

Do you have health fund rebates?

Yes. We are registered with all major health funds. An invoice will be issued after the services and you can either go to the nearest branch or by phone, mail or internet to claim certain amount of fund back. As to how much money you can claim back, it is different from one health fund to another and from one policy to another. So please contact your health fund to find out.


Peter West –
Remedial Massage & Myotherapy

0480 124 334



Massage & Myotherapy Australia

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